Experience the Healing Power of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that treats and prevents disease by regulating the body’s energetic and physiological systems. It is particularly effective in pain management and can also address a wide range of health concerns. Electric acupuncture is a speciality within acupuncture that may increase the results expected in a shorter timeframe.
- Benefits:
- Pain relief (acute and chronic)
- Stress reduction
- Improved sleep
- Enhanced immunity
- Increased energy levels
Duration (minutes) | Price (€) | |
1st consultation incl. treatment | 90 | 75 |
following treatments | 70 | 45 |
Treatment packs treatment pack 3 paid + 1 free | 135 |
Suitable conditions
- Acute Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Osteoarticular and degenerative pathologies – especially osteoarthritis, neck pain and low back pain
- Pain associated with rheumatic and autoimmune diseases
- Specific and non-specific pathologies of the spine (ex: sciatica)
- Focal, regional and generalized myofascial syndromes
- Pain due to immobility and physical deconditioning
- Pain associated with metabolic disorders, especially diabetes mellitus
- Pain associated with neurological degenerative diseases and post-stroke syndromes
- Specific neuropathic pain
- Pelvic pain (including dysmenorrhea/associated with menstruation)
- Vascular and untreatable angina pain
- Traumatic pain
- Overuse pain, sports and performing arts pain
- Pain associated with joint hyperlaxity syndromes
- Pain following amputation
- Pain in physical and mental disabilities and in non-verbal people
- Pain in children
- Persistent fatigue, persistent hiccups
- Refractory nausea / vomiting