Licensed acupuncturist Miguel Ramires, trained in Japanese acupuncture and integrative medicine in Lisbon, Portugal and Kyoto, Japan, has been practicing in Lisbon since 2012. The main motivation that led to this field of knowledge Is being able to help people autonomously in way that is efficient. Seeing people’s recovery and pain relief is a wonderful feeling that drives Miguel to help more people.
Originally from Lisbon, moved to the beautiful Azores before COVID-19, integrating his services in the community since 2018. Specialized in electrical acupuncture and therapeutic massage, the excellent results in the treatment of injuries allowed the word to spread and integrate his services in multidisciplinary clinics. Working from Ponta Delgada to Povoação, in São Miguel, he intends to extend his care to other islands through partnerships with local clinics. With the continuation of his post-graduate training, Miguel desires to develop research through publication and participation in clinical trials with prestigious institutions.